Yesterday, a little Gru voice inside me said "Liiiightbulb!" (Despicable Me, anyone?) I've always been a "people pleaser". Not that I know how to define that... Google references the fear/guilt in saying "No" to people, and that sounds about right. I often agree to do things, and then 49% of the time I find myself overbooked and overwhelmed. Luckily, Mike is not this way, so by virtue of being married to him, I've managed to avoid some of these situations. Lately I've been thinking about my "word of honor". If I say I'll turn the air conditioner on before Mike gets home from a run, then it doesn't matter if that's a small thing- I should do it! Following through on my word is one way to show people that they matter to me, and that I can be trusted. Along with that goal comes a need for some reeeeeaal self-control. If I'm really going to uphold that word of honor, then I can't agree to do everything for anyo...